
Neo EmSlim

Neo EmSlim – $100-$500

Neo EmSlim is a body contouring treatment that combines liposonix, focused ultrasound (when used with Neo) and EMS (electrical muscle stimulation) to instantly trim inches off your waist, belly, thighs, butt and arms. It is the most advanced body contouring solution available to give you the best-ever muscle strength and fat loss gains in the quickest amount of time.

It combines electromagnetic energy with radiofrequency (RF) stimulation to destroy fat cells and build up muscle mass. Electromagnetic fields trigger 9000 muscle contractions, equivalent to 24,000 crunches, while radio frequency heat burns through your fat cells to permanently destroy them. This gives you exceptional body-sculpting results without pain.



No recovery time

Builds muscle

Removes stubborn fat

Permanent results

A non-surgical, non-invasive procedure

Tailored treatment

Treat several areas

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